A quick getting started guide to SubSonic

This is a post originally published on my previous blog over on Blogger. I have copied it here as I very rarely go to my old blog anymore and this info may be of some use to someone out there.

Subsonic; an ORM which just works. I cannot believe how simple this was to set up.

1. Download it from CodePlex and run the executable.

2. Once it has installed create a link to the command in Visual Studio by going to Tools>>External Tools>>Add


This will generate the code for the DAL based on your settings in the web.config file.

3. Speaking of which here is a sample of the important parts of the web.config

   1: <configSections>
   2: <section name="SubSonicService" type="SubSonic.SubSonicSection, SubSonic" requirePermission="false" />
   4: <connectionStrings>
   5: <add name="connectionname" connectionString="Data Source=servername; Database=databasename; Integrated Security=true;" />
   6: </connectionStrings>
   8: <SubSonicService defaultProvider="providername">
   9: <providers>
  10: <clear/>
  11: <add name="providername" type="SubSonic.SqlDataProvider, SubSonic" connectionStringName="connectionname" generatedNamespace="yournamespace"/>
  12: </providers>
  13: </SubSonicService>
  14: </configuration>

Just swap out connectionname, databasename, providername and yournamespace with your values.

4. Now the fun bit. Run Tools>>SubSonic. This will automatically generate the code for your ORM classes in a directory called Generated within your VS project. That is all you need to get up and running.


Getting started with SubSonic
For Web Sites - Using the BuildProvider
Video on getting started with SubSonic
Setting up SubSonic


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