DevDays Washington, DC

Just want to say “thank you” to all the folks who came out to the Ronald Reagan building in Washington, DC to see the DevDays presentations today. I had a great time presenting, along with my buddy Anil, and like Anil, I definitely got the impression that folks got a lot out of the talks. Thanks also to Justin Damelin, the local Microsoft Developer Evangelist who was responsible for coordinating the event with the speakers, and all of the other great folks who made the event (IMHO) a great success. Now I can’t wait for the next one. J


  • I sent one of our developers there. He was very impressed and had a lot of good things to say.

  • Glad to hear it, Greg. Thanks for letting me know!

  • Andrew, I understand some of the logistic problems with setting up an event that caters to average and advanced users (more speakers, more space, maybe too many choices).

    I also understand that we must be ever diligent in our pursuit of security, certainly in an industry like ours that is almost blindly trusted by the masses of users that install and run our applications.

    I did provide feedback through the evaluation forms, having to write comments around 1-9 selection blocks because there wasn't a space for additional comments.

    I do think you missed the boat with more experienced developers. I still feel that even casual reading of a few articles a week will cover the majority of the content presented during DevDays. I'm not expecting detailed discussions on number theory or cryptography, prime number generation algorithms or hash performance generation. A cursory discussion of SQL Injection and XSS then more detailed discussion of some more exotic attacks (I'll go back to session hijacking). Or even alterantives to using the registry in conjunction with DPAPI / encrypting config values.

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