Debugging an ASP.NET application as a non-admin

One of the many Microsoft bloggers provides a workaround for those of us looking to debug ASP.NET applications without resorting to Admin privileges…a workaround that uses the predecessor of the Whidbey web server from ASP.NET Web Matrix to do debugging locally:

The debugger team has gotten many requests to debug ASP.NET applications as a non-admin. In Whidbey, the ASP.NET team did a good job solving this problem. Their solution is much nicer then mine. In the mean time, here is a way that you can get this scenario to work in the 7.1 IDE. I hope this helps. If it doesn't work for you, you can post a comment, but don't call PSS. This isn't supported.

 [greggm’s WebBlog]


Beats running as Admin… J

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