Who is this bozo?
I am the lead developer for VG.net, an animated vector graphics system with a graphics designer integrated in Visual Studio .NET. I will be talking about VG.net, techniques for building animated vector components, and MyXaml. I also hope to post some overviews of the designer infrastructure in the .NET framework, and tips for creating root designers in Visual Studio .NET.
Here is an illustration of the latest feature added to VG.net, the ability to edit PathShape points and control points:
If you grab the diamond shaped adorments, you can drag around the control points for the spline on either side of the selected point, indicated by the blue “halo“. You may be thinking, what is this VG.net thing? Look at the VG.net website for an explanation.
For comparision, look at this beautiful spline designer for Avalon, created by Nikhil Kothari. He is using controls that make the Visual Studio interface look clunky. A beautiful job, but the VG.net designer is more powerful. You can create animated graphics without Avalon -- no need to wait.