Sharepoint: ActiveX Error When Trying to View List in Datasheet View

When trying to view a list in datasheet view, sometimes you get the following error:

" The list cannot be displayed in Datasheet view for one or more of the following reasons: A datasheet component compatible with Windows SharePoint Services is not installed, your browser does not support ActiveX controls, or support for ActiveX controls is disabled. "

Well.. the first thing you should test is if activeX is in fact enabled in your browser.. second thing.. if you’re running the correct version of Office.. to use datasheet view you need access 2003 or 2007 installed on your machine. But, if you’re searching for this here you probably already checked those things.. so let’s go to the next level:

Open regedit and let’s edit windows registry.. first of all, please do a backup of your windows registry! you know that edit this is a dangerous thing, right?
Ok then.. so now that you’ve did your registry backup, delete (or rename) the following entry:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\

that’s all.. if even this doesn’t work for you, try to register again stslist.dll:

regsvr32.exe stslist.dll

see ya


  • glad to know it helped you Lehanoff.

  • Thanks! this worked lovely.
    Found this also on MS website. They say it works like design. Arrogance of MS is unbelievable. They cba to fix it i guess.

  • Great. It worked. Thanks a lot.

  • Hi - thanks
    I'v been spend a lot of time trying find solution
    Since only deleting this registry HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\
    solve this problem
    much obliged
    Ted - Poland

  • Anyone had this issue with Windows 7? Registry seems to be a bit different. There are several entries with 65BCBEE4-7728-41A0-97BE-14E1CAE36AAE. I am not sure which one to remove

  • We solved this issue (Office 2003 SOE with Project 2007) simply by opening Excel 2003 and performing a repair. Excel 2003 > Help > Detect and Repair (may require a restart). This re-instates control of the Office Web Component (runs Datasheet view) from Access 2007 back to Excel 2003. Not one of Microsoft's finest moments on the backward compatibility front.

  • Thanks for sharing your solution Darren.
    in my case there wasn't office 2007 installed, and even reinstalling office 2003 didn't solved the problem. it was a 1 day headache, that's why I decided to share how I fixed here :)
    hope your solution can help others here too


  • I had the same Datasheet View problem in Share Point using Office 2003 and IE7.

    I did not have the registry path HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\

    I also did not have the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\60\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\1033\ows.js file.

    So, I searched my registry and found the {65bcbee4-7728-41a0-97be-14e1cae36aae} value under HKEY_Classes_Root\CLSID\... I had two entries total in my registry and deleted them, after first backing up the registry of course. Then, I ran the Excel 2003 Detect and Repair. No more problem.

    Next, I like Darren D's idea and will try to fix the problem by only running the Excel 2003 Detect and Repair to see if the registry hack is even necessary.

    Does anyone know what this registry value {65bcbee4-7728-41a0-97be-14e1cae36aae} does?

  • Ahhhh, it is the Datasheet Control GUID {65bcbee4-7728-41a0-97be-14e1cae36aae}

  • Thanks Felipe, headache avoided!

  • impossible!
    this registry trick helped me as well...
    I am just wondering how someone can find out such a solution!! Thank ou very very much

  • Terrific Felipe, I've been searching for monthes a solution. Thanks a lot !

  • Thanks, Felipe and Darren.

    At Office 2007, Office button > Options > Resources > Diagnose

  • Thanks guys this was very very helpful, spent hours and hours on this

  • Thanks a lot for your solution, works great for me.

  • THANK YOU !!!!
    I was looking for sinc a while.

    this was working for me:
    I had the same Datasheet View problem in Share Point using Office 2003 and IE7.

    I did not have the registry path HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\


    I also did not have the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\60\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\1033\ows.js file.

    So, I searched my registry and found the {65bcbee4-7728-41a0-97be-14e1cae36aae} value under HKEY_Classes_Root\CLSID\... I had two entries total in my registry and deleted them, after first backing up the registry of course. Then, I ran the Excel 2003 Detect and Repair. No more problem.

    Next, I like Darren D's idea and will try to fix the problem by only running the Excel 2003 Detect and Repair to see if the registry hack is even necessary.

  • In some computer I only can view 100 rows in DataSheet View (this computer has Excel 2003), same view in other computer with Excel 2007 show complete list (above 200 rows). ¿This is a problem with Excel version on client side o something in the server MOSS 2007?

  • I had the same error message and have Office2003 Pro.
    My solution was to open Excel and choose Detect and Repair under the Help menu. I had to restart the PC after this, but then it worked perfectly. :)

  • Hi All,
    Thanks for the Valuable info. It just reduced my search towards the solution for this problem. I just tried checking it on the local system for the dll and the HKEY mentioned here, but couldn't find either of them. The problem which i face in my workplace is, for some of them the Datasheet view works and for some it doesn't. We have IE version 6.0.2900 installed on the desktops.

    Please let me know the solution for this as it takes me for toss everytime.

    Should i check these on the sharepoint server too?

  • I had this problem on a workstation. Weird thing was that it worked on another workstation with the same configuration.

    Thanks alot this worked for me!

  • WOW, thanks a lot.
    Since I haven't found the exact same reg entry, I just backed up and deleted the 2 entries that started with 65 and it worked! Thanks again.

  • thanks,
    we spent 4h hours on this problem with 2 peoples..
    with headchief on our back ....

  • Had a system where it worked for other users but not for the regular user of the computer.
    Was ready to re-image.
    Started deleting all entries for:
    Deleated the Key and it started working properly.

  • Yes there should realize the reader to RSS my feed to RSS commentary, quite simply

  • opening Excel 2003 and performing a repair. Excel 2003 > Help > Detect and Repair did the trick for me. No registry hack required.

  • The same like Ella317 ->
    opening Excel 2003 and performing a repair. Excel 2003 > Help > Detect and Repair did the trick for me. No registry hack required.

  • Who has installed Office 2003 and Outlook 2007 and have this problem try the following. It always works for me.

    1. Log onto the user’s computer as Administrator (or an account with Administrator privileges), either physically at the PC or view RDP.
    2. Verify that the same issue is occurring on your profile also (as this could just be an issue with their user profile). Attempt to open the SharePoint Datasheet (in Datasheet view) and re-create the error, crashing Internet Explorer etc.
    3. Remove Office 2003 from the computer, using Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.
    4. Next we need to change the current Outlook 2007 installation. From Add/Remove Programs highlight Outlook 2007 and click Change, select Add/Remove Features > Under Microsoft Office expand Office Tools and change Windows SharePoint Services Support to “Not Available”, click Next and complete this installation.
    5. Re-Install Office 2003

    Choose Custom Install (Omitting Outlook 2003 – we DO NOT want to install), then choose Advanced Customization of Applications > Next > expand “Office Tools”, ensure that Windows SharePoint Services Support is set to Install > Next > Finish installation.

    6. Re-perform step 5 (this will ensure that Outlook 2007 is the primary email client) (DO NOT re-enable Sharepoint services)

    7. Back in Add/Remove Programs, select Change on Office 2003, and run a Repair, choosing the 'Reinstall' (this is important).

    8. Next we need to test that we can use Datasheet view in SharePoint, you also need to ensure that ActiveX is enabled (or add the site to Safe Sites list), installing all add-in’s when prompted.

  • Guys, it is great to find these resolutions, but how about when you just got upgrade to W7-Pro 64 bit with 8GB of memory + Office Pro Plus 2010 by the IT guy, then you try to open as usual SharePoint and you get the same error message?

    Any input on that, before I blow out?

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  • So I need the whole darn office just to be able to edit some web version of a sheet? LOL!

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