Sharepoint: ActiveX Error When Trying to View List in Datasheet View
When trying to view a list in datasheet view, sometimes you get the following error:
" The list cannot be displayed in Datasheet view for one or more of the following reasons: A datasheet component compatible with Windows SharePoint Services is not installed, your browser does not support ActiveX controls, or support for ActiveX controls is disabled. "
Well.. the first thing you should test is if activeX is in fact enabled in your browser.. second thing.. if you’re running the correct version of Office.. to use datasheet view you need access 2003 or 2007 installed on your machine. But, if you’re searching for this here you probably already checked those things.. so let’s go to the next level:
Open regedit and let’s edit windows registry.. first of all, please do a backup of your windows registry! you know that edit this is a dangerous thing, right?
Ok then.. so now that you’ve did your registry backup, delete (or rename) the following entry:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\
that’s all.. if even this doesn’t work for you, try to register again stslist.dll:
regsvr32.exe stslist.dll
see ya