Nested sequences and palindrome numbers
Problem 4 of Project Euler poses and impractical albeit intriguing problem: given all three digit numbers (100, 101, 102, ..., 998, 999), find the largest product of 2 of those numbers, where the product is a palindrome. For example, 580.085 is the product of two three-digit numbers (995 x 583) but it isn't the largest of such products. One possible functional C# solution is:
1 Func<int,bool> IsPalindrome = n => { var nchar = n.ToString().ToCharArray(); return nchar.SequenceEqual(nchar.Reverse()); };
3 return Enumerable.Range(100, 900)
4 .SelectMany(i => Enumerable.Range(i, 900 - (i - 100)).Select(j => i * j))
5 .Where (p => IsPalindrome(p))
6 .Max();
To begin with, let's focus on the interesting part: at line 3, Enumerable.Range() generates the sequence 100, 101, ..., 998, 999; SelectMany() at line 4 does several things, first for every number i from the previous line it generates the sequence i, i + 1, i + 2, ..., 998, 999, and then the inner Select() generates the products {100 x 100, 100 x 101, ..., 100 x 999}, {101 x 101, 101 x 102, ..., 101 x 999 }, ... As you can see, there are 999 sequences generated (are all the same size?) finally SelectMany() kindly "flattens" those 999 sequences in one large sequence containing each and every product; line 5 then is easy, the Where() just keeps those products that are palindromes; the Max() in line 6 isn't worth any explanation.
Back to line 1, I took the lazy path to check whether a number is a palindrome: I just converted it to a string and then to a char array, finally I checked whether that array is equal, item by item, to its reversed version (and all that work just to leverage IEnumerable.Reverse() ;-)