.NET in Linux (and something about numerical analysis)
Every few months news emerge about the Mono project: spearheaded by Miguel de Icaza in order to have a Linux .NET implementation that would allow to more easily create Windows like applications in Linux, Mono has managed to implement a good C# compiler, most of the BCL (ADO.NET included) and a pretty reasonable ASP.NET 1.1, but it has failed to have a production-level Windows Forms implementation (they are moving ahead, but Microsoft goes much faster.) A couple of years ago I got enthusiastic about Mono, but now I see (sadly) that it's stalling (even though it was acquired by Novell, or may be exactly because of that [;)]).
While visiting the Mono site I found (again) dnAnalytics, an open source project trying to implement a standard set of numerical methods libraries (stuff like matrix manipulation, differential equations, etc.) in C#. It runs OK in Mono and also in the official .NET (although it doesn't use the new abilities in .NET 2.0), it could be of use for those of you working on numerical analysis.