.NET at 9.400 ft above sea level
Programming in Quito, 2.860 m above sea level
F# runs out of the box with Mono in Linux
Don Syme just announced a minor update to the F# environment, minor may be but of great interest to a certain community: it so happens that at some point F# stopped working properly in Linux, a workaround was published (and it actually works, but you've got to follow the instructions carefully). Well, not anymore, works out of the box with Mono in Linux, you just have to download it, unzip it, and then happily type "mono fsi.exe":
Cloning objects in .NET
In an interesting project where I'm giving a hand, we need to clone objects of a number of different types, perhaps surprisingly the CLR doesn't offer a general cloning method, of course you could use MemberwiseClone() but this is a protected method, so it can be invoked only from inside the class of the object being cloned, which makes it difficult to use it in a general method, besides, MemberWiseClone() does just a shallow copy and what we really need is a deep copy.
A cool way to find out whether a number is palindromic
In this blog entry I proposed a solution to Problem 4 at Project Euler, a crucial element of the problem is to find out whether a number is a palindrome (909 is, 809 isn't), a bit out of laziness and a bit in order to reuse existing methods, I decided to verify the palindrome by converting the number into a char array and then comparing this array with its mirror version, it works but it's not really that mathematical... Dustin Campbell proposed a solution kind of similar to mine (alas, more elegant and, above that, in F#) and using the same trick of converting the number to chars, as he didn't like this part of the solution, in this new blog entry he proposes the detection of a palindrome by mirroring the number one digit at a time. A translation of his F# code to C# 3.0 could be:
New version of F# just released
In its way from research language to commercial language, Don Syme just announced that, silently, on May the 1st version of F# was released.
Which is the ten thousand first prime?
Prime numbers have a good deal of practical applications (for example in cryptography) but let's face it, even if they would have none, they would still be the favorite toy of mathematicians. In Problem 7 of Project Euler, we are asked to find the 10001st element of the famous list, my approach was this:
The square of the sum vs. the sum of the squares
The sixth Project Euler problem poses an exercise that, to me, offers no major hurdles:
Recursive lambdas and sequence aggregations
The fifth problem at Project Euler proposes this nostalgic primary school exercise: find the smallest quantity that is evenly divisible by some numbers, the least common multiple of 1, 2, 3, ..., 20 to be precise. To begin with, let's remember the old arithmetic formula:
Nested sequences and palindrome numbers
Problem 4 of Project Euler poses and impractical albeit intriguing problem: given all three digit numbers (100, 101, 102, ..., 998, 999), find the largest product of 2 of those numbers, where the product is a palindrome. For example, 580.085 is the product of two three-digit numbers (995 x 583) but it isn't the largest of such products. One possible functional C# solution is:
Finding the largest prime factor of a number
This is another classic problem at Project Euler that can be solved with the old trick of top down programming, like so:
Project Euler and infinite sequences in C#
The second problem at Project Euler proposes: