Do that come with an E1^n! line?
In an announcement on the future of SQL Server and related technologies, Paul Flessner mentions that:
Today the cost of storage continues to be on an amazing trajectory; one could reasonably expect that the cost of a terabyte will be reduced from about $1000 today to $100 in 2007. Historical trends imply that in 20 years or less we will be able to store literally everything digitally, and the petabyte will be a standard measure of personal storage.
[The bolds are mine]
Terabytes? Petabytes?! I don't even know how many 0's they've got, and supposedly my crappy portable will have several of those... What will we be using so much space for? What kind of systems will be possible or will leverage so much room? What kind of bandwidth will I need for filling my hard drive at 95% (I can't stop downloading until I get to that level.)
By the way, for those of you that prefer it in Español...
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