Tiny C# shortcut
Reading about validation on Brian Noyes' Data Binding with Windows Forms 2.0, I found this funny way of checking for a string not being empty or null:
Yours truly usually does it this way:
name != null && name != ""
This is the kind of small, almost useless details that intrigue me, so I immediately created a micro-benchmark (I know, I know, "beware of micro-benchmarks") and found out that Brian's method is almost twice as fast as mine. I used Lutz Roeder's Reflector to try to find out why but it didn't shed any light, then I checked the generated code with Ildasm and indeed the code for option 0 seems slightly simpler, so from now on I'll be using string.IsNullOrEmpty() because, as an aside, I'll impress some people with my "deep" knowledge of the BCL.