Whither remoting?
You already know I'm a new toy junkie early adopter, so when a project that is just starting needed a light smart client talking back to a business logic server I immediately suggested using WCF. To my surprise, another architect and *my* lead developer preferred remoting, their reason? They've had very good experiences with remoting, my reason? If this system is going to live 5 years, it better uses the most looking forward technology. As I am an RD, I naively asked in the RD list for reasons to use WCF over remoting, and I got a few good responses but then the remoting camp reacted and gave good reasons for *not* using WCF. So it seems like the question is more interesting than what I thought and, before summarizing the answers I got, I would like to ask you what you think: if you were to create a client-server like application in your *intranet* would you use web services or remoting? Why?