Show All Cookies Snippet

This is a static method to display all cookies associated with the current domain. Wherever you use it, be sure to include System.Text and System.Web. This is essentially a C# translation of code found in Mike Pope's MSDN article "Basics of Cookies in ASP.NET," updated to use a StringBuilder and provide the output as an HTML table.

/// <summary>
/// Display all cookies associated with the current domain.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Returns a string containing an HTML table which displays the 
/// Request.HttpCookieCollection including subkeys and values.</returns>
public static String CookiesToString()
Int16 ij;
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
HttpCookie aCookie;
String subKeyName;
String subKeyValue;

for (i=0;i < System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies.Count;i++)
  aCookie = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[i];
  if (aCookie.HasKeys)
    System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection cookieValues = aCookie.Values;
    String[] cookieValueNames = cookieValues.AllKeys;
    for (j=0;j<cookieValues.Count;j++)
      subKeyName = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(cookieValueNames[j]);
      subKeyValue = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(cookieValues[j]);
  return output.ToString();

Generated using PrettyCode.Encoder

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