Big Picture of XML Family of Specifications

Don Box pointed out a site by Ken Sall that has a map of all major XML technical specifications.  DB then goes on to say  “XML in its entirety had become more complex than COM ever was.”, and then goes on to describe his ruff XML “kernel”.  The problem I have with Ken Sall’s map is that it is very misleading, and can be used to portray XML as being very complex and hard to learn.  The map includes, not just the core XML specs, but all other specs built on top of it, plus a bunch of specs that are not XML, but are used by specs based on XML.  In the end, it is just a lot of FUD.  If I were to do an equivalent map of the COM interfaces and include every major component built on COM, it would say the say thing that the XML map does, that XML (and COM) is everywhere.

So if you don’t already know XML, don’t let pictures like Ken Sall’s intimidate you from learning it.  It’s not really has hard as some people say it is.  Start with DB’s “kernel” specifications and then work in some of the other specs on the map.  In reality XML is a lot easier to learn than HTML is, and look how many non-technical people code with HTML everyday.


[Listening to: The Saddest Song - The Ataris ] 

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