SAS and .Net
Well, I’m not at TechEd this year, but home and busy working. The current project at the moment is trying to abstract out SAS and make it look and act like a regular data provider. For those of you that don’t have to interop with SAS, consider yourself lucky. It’s about the most closed, prominent, business software that I can think of. If it wasn’t for the FDA basically requiring Pharmas to use the thing, I can’t see how they would ever be able to stay in business. Not that it is a bad piece of software, it just does not play well with others. As long as you stay in the SAS world, it is fine, but to try to integrate it into another platform and you are in for trouble. So, to remove most of the development related issues, I’m busy trying to make it look like a regular data provider to the .Net developer. This means creating Connection, Command, Parameter, and DataAdpater classes that inherit from the base System.Data interfaces, and then implementing all the interop code. These classes are then abstracted again by my Data Access Layer, so that the business object developers don’t need to learn specific data providers. After I get this done, I’ll eventually create a web service wrapper for the DAL so that even non .Net developers can work with SAS, and not have to learn how to handle the interop.
Enough talk, back to the grind and get this code ready for my development team.
[Listening to: Who Invited You - The Donnas]