Rory Says “XML is the Rogaine of the developer world”

Finally got some time to delve deeper into Rory’s web site, and came across this hysterical quote in the The Neopoleon Guide to XML For Non-Tech Types section.  If you read all the way to the bottom (trust me it is worth it), he has the quote to end all quotes:

Most bald programmers aren't bald because of any biological reason: They're bald because they've been pulling their hair out for years over how to get to very different systems to communicate with each other. XML is the Rogaine of the developer world. It's what makes it relatively easy to get disparate systems to talk to each other. When this happens, programmers grow their hair back, and everyone is happy.

Is this why my hair has grown to shoulder length since I got the nickname DonXML back in 2000?  If so, what happened to the hair of Doug Purdy and Don Box?



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