Why JavaScript is one of the coolest languages around.

Every time I go back to coding any JavaScript I discover new things that I never knew were there. It's like the language that keeps on giving. :)

For a great tour around the language check out this site:


JSON is a pretty interesting application of object literals. I'm wondering if it could be exploited to do something like a crossbrowser "Data island". Maybe this is a silly idea with XmlHttp just a few keystrokes away nowdays.


  • I think JSON actually makes quite a bit of sense on the client side. It's extremely simple, maps nicely to the JavaScript programming model, and implementing a JSON serializer in JScript is dead easy (it's eval() if you don't care about security).

    The catch is that you need to be talking to a server that can speak JSON...

  • There's always WDDX if you're interested in data-exchange with JavaScript.

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