Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite with 1yr MSDN Premium Subscription!!! w000t!

A MVP friend of mine dropped one of these on me today:

It's a free copy of VS.NET 2005 Team Suite with a 1 year Premium MSDN subscription!!!! Thats a $10,939 value!!!

He achieved MVP status because of the massive collection of Visual Studio how to videos he has created for his site Also, as I understand it his videos shipped in the VB.NET Express retail box.

If you are new to programming or the .NET environment these videos are a must see.

Now if you'll excuse me I have some coding to do...


  • The MVPs were asked to give those cards away to people in the community we felt were making a difference. From our circle of friends and professional community I'm not sure I know anyone who is more qualified to get this. In fact, I wish everyone had a David Findley around to bounce ideas off of. I really appreciate your help over the years ... at MK, on the book, on LVS when I was just getting started and several times since I left to do it full time. Thanks, man.

  • Oh my! It's worth more than I even realized. Pretty dang cool.

    And yes you are correct. His videos are good for beginers and experienced developers alike. Heck, I used them just a few weeks ago to catch up on some team system features. About a year ago I bought a subscription for my Dad as well. He's an experienced C and VB6 developer who needed some help transitioning into C# and the videos were a great way for him to learn.

  • thanks,those videos are really helpful.

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