The most complete AJAX library I've ever seen!

WOW! Check out TIBET

This has to be the most advanced JS library I've seen. I'll have to pick my jaw off the floor before I can write any more about it. Just click the link and be amazed.


  • Maybe it is a library to use like prototype or ruby, but to use it we have to write a lot of code. I'd like to AJAX library from Schwartz, not because the JSCript code is better. I think for ASP.NET Developers it is cool because easy to learn and easy to use. You understant this (sorrys for the not good english).

  • So what we really want as ASP.NET developers is a .NET library which sits on top of this TIBET framework and spits out TIBET compatible JavaScript.

  • I cannot seem to find the Tibet Library Link !? on that site ?


  • There is no link to download as yet. It says on the home page that it will be released 8/8/2005.

  • But what is the difference we get after adding a .NET library that will use the TIBET framework? There are already some libraries available (for download and commercial products)...

  • Sounds very interesting, but I want to try TIBET out before I swear my everlasting love for it. And no word on how much it will cost yet....

  • Supposedly it will be available as an open source lic:

    "Oh, and it should combine all those features and be available under an OSI-approved open source license ;)"

    I too will forgo judgement until I've tried it out. But if it lives up to its claims it will be very awesome.

  • That's a lot of premature gushing for a library that doesn't include a download or a demo.

  • Yeah, maybe so. Looks like the text they had on their home page that said "Releasing 8/8/2005" has been replaced with "Coming Soon". We all know what that means.

  • Thanks for the update Bill. This is great news! I'm looking forward to trying out TIBET in some of my projects.

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