Sim IT Manager game from Intel

This is total greatness:

I've wanted to create just such a game for along time now. Darn Intel beat me to it. :)

The Intel® IT Manager Game tests your entire skill set - people management, resource allocation, strategic analysis and planning. It also tests your courage under fire - can you stand up to the scrutiny of top management along with that of your peers in the industry? Will the decisions you make result in breathtaking profits or devastating losses? Will you enjoy the sweet taste of victory or the bitter agony of defeat? Are you destined for management glory or will you be the kid sitting on the sidelines, waiting for the bell to ring? Find out by playing the Intel® IT Manager Game now.


  • How did you manage to play this game in english? It only runs in italian even though it clearly has parameters for english

  • Oh no, the games closed until at least the end of march! any other similiar games? :-)

  • The game is back up now, I think they took it down cos people were complaining about there being no women in the game. It seems to have women now.

  • I'm just about to crack the top 100....

    What's the most profits you can make in a day?

    I seem to have reached a ceiling at $29,000

  • This is becoming a bit too popular now, does anyone know any cheats or gang stuff?

    The fing is, i have $1.3m profits for the company but my IT budget it about $7.65m. I am just waiting for the finance dept to do a reclaim so it can fend off an attempted hostile takeover from Microsoft or Philip Green.

  • This is just silly now, I have about 2.5m profits but my IT budget is over 10 billion. 28,710 is the most I can make per "day" of 10 minutes so it will take about 200 more goes to get the high score. That is if the Goat lady stopsher assault.

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