A peek into the future of data binding...

I found this article on data binding in Longhorn while surfing around the MSDN site today.

 “You can bind a property of a user interface element to a property of any common language runtime (CLR) object, or to an attribute of an XML node.”

One word: cool! :)


  • Nothing more than what we have now.

    The interesting part is whether the ddatabinding behavior of the CONTROLS will be fixed.

  • Hmmm the Cocoa Bindings look pretty cool too. He he, looks like MS is up to the ol' embrace and extend again :). I just may have to take over the wife's iMac for a while to play around with some Cocoa coding. I've poked around in some of the dev tools that came with Jaguar and Panther. I must say I was impressed with the level of organization they have there. The APIs seem to be laid out pretty logically at first glance.

    I'm interested in learning some objective-c but for now i think I'll have stick with Java for anything on OSX. Hopefully one day soon apple will create some Cocoa bindings for rotor or mono. I'd much rather do things in C#.

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