Secrets of Real World ASP.NET Dynamic Data Websites eBook Now Available

I am pleased to announce that Secrets of Real World ASP.NET Dynamic Data Websites is now available as a Wrox Blox ebook. The material for this book is largely pulled from the recent talks I’ve given at various user groups and developer conferences on the same topic.

In this book you learn the basics of Dynamic Data and quickly move into how to leverage the features in some practical scenarios. If you’ve ever looked at Dynamic Data and wondered:

  • How do I move the data context to a lower application level and out of the web layer?
  • How do I execute custom business layer logic against the Dynamic Data controls?
  • How do I build reusable and programmatically customizable field templates?
  • How do I secure Dynamic Data scaffolding using ASP.NET membership services?

... then this book is for you!

The price tag is reasonable – well under $10 – no too bad for a technology book!

If you are interested in the full talk, feel free to contact me ( @craigshoemaker or my contact page) and maybe we can work out a remote lunch-n-learn type presentation. Better yet, if you are local to Southern California perhaps we can work out something in person.



  • wow really good book, just finished reading / following it.
    i will be using this method in most of my web projects from now on! thanks!

    worth every penny!

  • Joe: Thank you for your kind words!


  • On page 13 of the book, where you setup the url_edit.ascx I can't get the anchor onclick $get to work.... I have tried it on two different machines in c# and VB with the same results....

    When I view the source instead of executing I am getting a string with the less than sign being changed to <....

    I have tried several combo's to no avail??? Is this a bug in your book?

  • Kevin:

    Is your project in VB? I had someone else contact me saying that they had a similar problem with a VB project.

    Another way you might go about it is to have the field template do something like this..

    function testUrl()

    and then just simply call testUrl from the anchor tag...

    Let me know,


  • I have done both c# and VB with the same result on two separate machines (one machine had preview stuff on it).

    If I separate it out into a function call like you listed it works...

    Why is the inline not working???

  • I'm not sure.. every time I have tried it I haven't had any problems. If you want to send me an example problem field template I will take a look at it: craig AT polymorphicpodcast DOT com

  • Sent you both C# and VB samples.... Thanks!!!

  • Craig,

    Potential bug found???

    I am on page 17 of the book, creating the “ContactEditor.aspx” and was getting a javascript object expected error when running the page and testing the “test” link.

    I pondered a bit on this and then realized the $get is an AJAX command but in your sample in the book and your downloaded source I didn’t find a scriptmanager or scriptmanagerproxy control on the form. I added it to mine and everything worked….



  • Joe,

    Why there is no lots of books and articles coming ?

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