47 ASP.NET MVC Resources to Rock Your Development

Craig Shoemaker takes you on a tour of the best ASP.NET MVC resources available today.

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How have I missed jQuery all this time? I am really loving the support jQuery can provide for all kinds of things like AJAX and controls, but my favorite feature is the support for CSS3-like behavior that is available today in a cross-browser fashion.

Here is a script I used recently to "stripe" a table (provide alternating row colors).

$(document).ready(function() {
$('table.striped tr:odd').css('background', '#eee');

Community Events

Here are some community events that have come across my radar lately.

ASP.NET MVC Resources

By now surely you have had at least some exposure to the new ASP.NET MVC framework. As with any new technology often times trying to find the quality resources to rely on may be a trying task.

<h3>Get the Latest</h3>

To help make your development experience more comortable the following is a list of 47 of the most interesting and helpful ASP.NET MVC resources available to-date. Now while we can all agree that this post becomes a legacy artifact as soon as I press the "Publish" button, make sure to frequently visit the links below for the latest ASP.NET MVC goodness:


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