Problems installing VS 2k5 SP1 on Vista?

So I know I did this back in November without issues, but in February I reinstalled XP and got away from Vista.

Last week I went back to Vista in order to get better support for my new Canon HV20 camcorder.

I installed Visual Studio 2k5 the other day, and immediately tried to install SP1. I've been unable to get SP1 to install. It never actually errors out, it loads the screen that says "extracting" in the title bar, and says it may take a few minutes to a few hours to install. I've let it run multiple times for 12 hours, and this time around it's been running 24 hours, with no change in status.

Anyone have any ideas? I guess i'm about ready to uninstall VS and start over if I can't figure out anything else.


  • Well, to make things even more odd...

    I downloaded SP1 again, thinking "maybe" I had a bad download.

    Run the new download and it tells me SP1 is already installed, would you like to reinstall. Heck no I tell it! Now I'm installing the Vista update for SP1, wish me luck

  • i have the same problem did u solve it< please help

  • Yes, I actually installed SP1 again, let it run for 24 hours. Cancelled the install. Somehow in that process it actually installed, I then ran the SP1 Update for Vista without issue

  • This is my problem with Vista. I have a brand new Toshiba Satellite running a new install of Vista Ultimate. I installed VS2005. I don't have a previous bata version installed. I got a known issues error but the program still runs. I have downloaded SP1 for VS2005 and tried to run it. I then get an error message which says "The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exist on your computer and that you have the correct patch."
    I have tried three different patches and I have tried running the patch or upgrade as administrator. Also turned off compat mode. One odd thing though...I am installing VS2005 but the folder on the hard-drive says Visual Studio 2008. Does that make a difference? I tried to rename that to 2005 but it warned me against that action. Any idead at all? I was so looking forward to using this new machine and running 2005 but I'm thinking about taking it and having XP put on it. I'll check back later on for any response or you can e- @

  • I've encountered exactly the same problems as the others... on a new Toshiba Portege with Windows Vista Ultimate installed. CANNOT get VS 2005 SP1 to install.

    Has anyone figured out a work around or what we have to do??????

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