Not netnuke, not .nuke, not dot net nuke
Alright, time for a little rant here, as I am starting to hear this ····more and more. There seems to be a misconception in the community regarding what the name of DotNetNuke actually is. Over the past few weeks I've heard the name butchered too many times! DotNetNuke is pronounced as one word!
Let's break it up into syllables
Dot is pronounced \'dät\
Net is pronounced \'net\
Nuke is pronounced \'nük\
All together now, \'dät·net·nük\
I can't even list all the random ways I've heard people butcher the name, but I will say that it is not NetNuke, DotNuke, or just Nuke.
If you're too lazy to say the whole word, DotNetNuke, just say DNN!
Pet peeve rant over, it's Friday afternoon, time to go have some fun.