Motivate me...
So here's my deal, and I got this straight from my boss' mouth this morning, I already knew it to be true though.
There are some things I get as a project, and I am all over it, motivated, excited, and I can crank out some wonderful code.
Other projects and tasks I get I drag my feet and turn out a horrible product.
I know I do this, so I guess that's the first step, realizing the problem, but I don't know what the solution is, how do I get past those little projects, and devote the same effort to those as I do the ones that get me excited?
I find this to be the case in a lot of things, not just work, maybe I should take a psychology class or something to figure out how my mind works. What about everyone else, I can't be the first to come to this intersection, what route has everyone else taken?