Building a Ladder (Ranking) System, anyone built one?

I'm thinking about building a Ranking system, that takes results from Multiple events, and ranks people based on who they have competed against and how they faired against those other people.

Everyone would eventually be related to each other assuming they've ever competed with someone who has competed against someone else, who 's competed against someone else.

If user A beats user B, and user B has beaten user C, A would be ranked higher than C.

I imagine most of the logic would be on the database side, and the web front end would display the data.

Has anyone ever developed a system like the above mentioned? I believe there are systems out there for gaming, and most likely other events. I'm looking for ideas, so I don't have to reinvent the wheel for a system that's already been written.

Thanks for your feedback.



  • Found your website (X.Static)...didn't realize you were on! Long live CS :-).

  • I'm definately interested in this too, what are you using it for chris?

  • Scott, catch me on IM, and I'll fill you in on what my plans are for this.

    Interesting link to the ELO system, I'll definitely study up on that and see if that method would be useful. From a quick glance at the Wiki page, ELO is used for 2 player games, I'm looking to develop a system that could have 100 "players" in a round of results, don't know how the Elo system would work with that yet.

  • I once wrote something that was for 5 players.

    The players made a contribution to a pool based on their score; the winner would get most of the pool.

  • What I'm envisioning is more of a system to track results from offline competitions.

    The ranking will be the first hurdle, I'll also have to do some massive Name matching, as results won't always be using the same names, and won't have a unique identifier.

  • You might want to check out the blizzard faq on their ranking system as well (ELO based)

    This system is used by thousands of players.

    And has a simple representation of it's logic.

  • Are you looking for something like a single or double elimination ladder?

  • I'm looking to come up with a Ranking system for racing actually. Allowing people to upload results from events around the country, and doing calculations based on ALL results to come up with a ranking system, of all drivers.

  • I'm not sure if it helps but there's a lot of different ladder and ladder type apps on SourceForge... Unfortunately I'm not familiar enough with what you want to recommend any particular one...

  • hey i am looking for also a ladder, I want to use it for Unreal Infiltration compatiton. so whe can add clans on a rating based system so the can be ranked.. I tyed Vwar (virtualwar)but i only support one clan.. like [clan] vs [Oppomentzclan] but u can let other clans join and fight on the same ranked system .
    So iam looking for a ranking system for one game like I use a php website .. if there are any modules for it i realy like to know .. or webbased systems..


  • I ran across your post. It looks like is from years ago. I would like to know how far you got on your project. I have been looking for the exact thing for some time now. I also know of a few others that have built what you are might be looking for.


  • Brad, unfortunately I never got anywhere with it, too many projects, not enough time.

  • actually if someone can help me cause i wanna somthing litle dificult...i olay a game starcraft i wanna ask if someone knows how to make a league site to have rating inside in 1vs1 and 2vs2 3vs3 ladders(ex. )this is the easy part the dificult part and i cant understand is how i can make a bot inside the when the winner report the replay of the game match the ratings pass auto and after inside the bot..witch bot is inside the game starcraft in someone channel...then the player can with trigger example. :vgt1 gintoki[nasc] he can see him status from bot who add the replay to site...THX!!

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