Chris Garrett
Just Another Web Geek
Community flames
Good blog here on community
Hurrah for Paypal!
You may recall I was having a little difficulty with my web host (, well they finally came through with my affiliate cash this morning via Paypal. They are back in my good books (they really are a good host and at $10 a month including 1.1 AND sql server the best value for money on the net). If I have any problems in future I think I should direct to the one guy there who seems to be able to make things happen (Erwin)!
Amazon + Google = new search engine
GDI+ ASP.NET addict
I was chatting to Plip who has just joined the aspalliance (at last!) and the subject of my GDI+ articles comes up. Plip thinks people "know" me for my ASP.NET graphics stuff on aspalliance and asptoday. There was also a book but sadly it was one of those big red ones with a photograph of a geek on the front :O( Now the only book with my GDI+ code in is the (brilliant) cookbook.
Should I name and shame?
What do you do when a company lets you down on a promise? Do you just leave that service and defect to a competitor?, do you warn people not to use them? What about if the company that let you down was one that you had recommended to others?
Do I really need letters after my name? Grumble
Bit of a discussion going on over in my other blog - is it necessary to have a degree?
DVD rental for a dollar?
This guy makes a couple of good points which make the article worthwhile reading but what I took away was "when will we get even £1 a day rentals in the UK?". Please let it be soon :O)
Windows Vs Linux security - and the answer is ..
.. "It depends" ;O)
Spammer loses porche - the rest of us win!
BBC has reported about a spammer losing his porche as part of a court-settlement - ka-ching!!. About time these guys were brought to justice! :O) Only shame is that they are taken down after making an absolute fortune off the back of the millions of mugs they have gotten to buy their products :O(
Spyware - don't you just hate it?
Gathering data from your customers is very important. By understanding your customers needs and behaviours you can really service them well. That said, gathering data should ideally be done with the consent of the person.