Chris Garrett

Just Another Web Geek

  • Browscaps, ASP.NET Browser detection

    Just lately I have had a nightmare with server-side browser detection. One day all designers will do standards compliant html code and all browsers will support standards. Until then we are stuck with detects, I like to do my detects server side but am hindered - HINDERED I tell you! I am not going to get into why I hate browserhawk, just let's leave it as browserhawk is not an option.

  • Free broadband internet?

    They claim free broadband internet over normal telephone lines

    [My affiliate id is prc1ukn to sign up with]

    I don't see how this could technically work but if they are using normal
    phone lines then they will get the usage kick back that freeserve et al get
    which should add up to some. Thing is they say it is a software solution no
    mention of hardware :OS

    All you have to lose at the moment is spam to your email address (so use one
    you are not bothered about)

  • ASP.NET Community Software

    I am looking around for the best software for a community I am building. The idea would be a user can have one login and get their own account with access to all the facilities they need. That would mean initially their own blog, access to discussion forums, then their own picture gallery, and possibly wiki(s).

  • Seth Godins worst ever blog

    First time I have ever read a blog by Seth Godin and wanted to spit. Seth doesn't believe in SEO. Fair enough, but I think it is irresponsible in his position as marketing guru to imply people should ignore a vital part of an online marketers toolkit. It's like saying "I don't know how to get a positive ROI from email marketing so email marketing is obviously a black art that people should avoid - if I can't do it it MUST be crap". Why the heck should sombody not put a small amount of effort and resource into something that potentially has huge gains - paying for traffic you could get for free? IMO marketing should use every trick in the book in a coordinated, integrated way, not "stick to the stuff I am familiar with".