Jobs in Canada?

What is the job market like in Canada at the moment? I am pretty fed-up with the UK and am thinking it is time to check out my birth place - gotta be better than here, right? I have googled and such but not found much out.

Anyone any idea if being born in Canada makes me auomatically Canadian too? Only documentation I have seen says I needed to have been born after 1977 which is 3 years out for me :O( My wife has been trying to find things out through official channels but helpfully immigration services have a premium-rate voicemail service rather than any sort of helpful human being.


  • Cool - my doubts come from a statement on one of the sites that were talking about my dual nationality (I was bornn in canada but to british parents and have lived in uk nearly all my life) - but this looks a lot more positive!

    I have family in alberta and manitoba which might be more of an easier move (friendly faces that wont laugh at my accent!) but really fancy vancouver (beautiful but dont know anyone there). Any recommendations?

  • Stay away from Manitoba. The IT job market here is weak. If that's not enough to keep you away how about the -41C temperatures we had here last week?

  • Chris,

    You're in the same boat as me. I was born in Calgary to a British dad and a US mom. She registered me as an American born abroad, but we moved to the UK when I was three. I've only ever had a US passport until I decided to chase up a Canadian one (I've always considered myself Canadian) a couple of years ago. The crux of the matter was that, as I was born there, Canada considered me one of them (how nice!). My wife and I now intend to move there in about 2 years.

  • Cool, thanks for the comment Cam. Canada seems a popular destination - lots of people have been in touch to say they would like to work or emigrate there :O)

  • dear sir/maam,

    Im filipina 39 years old undergraduate of dentestry now planning to work in abroad ad HOUSEKEEPER.Can you hewlp mw where should i search my employer.Im physically nd mentallly fit to work .I come form a good family and and fear of God .Honest and hardworking too.

    Thank you.

    sincerely yours ,

    maria ammelyn

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