
My friend Tony has been configuring his server with Mono and it looks pretty cool. We had a really good dick around with it and I can't wait to get my hands proper dirty with it :O)

The last time I was able to port my apps to linux in any meaningful way was when I was developing in Perl. OK, I have done some PHP and JSP in my time, even some Chilisoft but I wouldn't say my heart was really in it (I am a fully paid up card carrying lifetime member of the "I love BillG" club ). I think ASP.NET on Linux has to be a major plus .. or perhaps even a ++ ;O)

I will have to wait before I do anything though. Tony keeps a close guard of his server (picture a rotweiler with a rack of lamb in its teeth) and I have two lots of training to prepare for and deliver this month. I will of course keep you posted in case someone is remotely interested :O) 


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