Big red books with pictures of geeks on

I wonder if things like my favourite publisher going under are part of natures scheme of things, like forest fires bringing renewal to the natural landscape?

It's quite sad, extremely sad for those directly involved or who are going to struggle financially as a consequenced of it. I just hope the pieces will be picked up by someone, and I don't speak just as an author.

The last few years have a been a strange time for a UK web geek such as me. I saw the "big red books with strange looking faces on" publisher as part of the establishment since the mid-nineties. Getting my name on one was for me a little bit of an acheivement. I was hoping one day to be one of those ugly grinning faces. For them to dissapear I guess is no more devestating news than most of my friends have already experienced in their own jobs once or twice, but shocking all the same.

I would have thought I shouldn't mention the name of the publisher until told otherwise but it seems that other bloggers and sites have already

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