Microsoft joins the rest of us...and counts down to the end of IE6

Microsoft launched a website dedicated to the demise of IE6.  Here's their pitch...10 years ago a browser was born.  Its name was Internet Explorer 6. Now that we’re in 2011, in an era of modern web standards, it’s time to say goodbye. We'll watch Internet Explorer 6 usage drop to less than 1% worldwide, so more websites can choose to drop support for Internet Explorer 6, saving hours of work for web developers.
Thanks Microsoft!  We've been waiting for this day to come for a long time.  Of course, it would have been nice if IE6 was gone 5 years ago...but who's counting.


  • Whereas I agree with the sentiment (I wouldn't mind seeing it disappear all together), those that are still using IE6 aren't the ones that are going to find this web-site (or care). I have a family member still using Windows ME (and one running Windows 2000) because it works for them and their computer is still running. Their options for a better IE experience don't exist without purchasing new hardware (I also find it amazing their computers are still running strong 11-12 years in). They can find updated browsers of other flavors but even open source browsers are looking to leave those OS's behind (which makes sense).

  • Nice presentation! Thanks for sharing me this unique information which benefits for so more websites can choose to drop support for Internet Explorer 6, saving hours of work for web developers.

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