Contents tagged with WFF
Web-based Farm Monitor for your Web Farm Framework Deployment
In my recent posts on scalability, I've mentioned the Web Farm Framework (WFF) as a solution for managing a farm of IIS servers. It adds a nice management Server Farm management UI into the IIS Manager.
Scaling Out .NET Presentation at Jax Code Camp 2011
Today at the Jax Code Camp I gave a presentation on scaling out your .NET applications by leveraging IIS7, AppFabric, Web Farm Framework, and Web Deploy. Thanks to everyone how come out to the session.
F5 Add-on for Web Farm Framework
Gupreet over on the IIS.NET site posted a sample for integrating an F5 load balancer with the Web Farm Framework. It works well, but isn't configurable. I started adding my own configuration, but artisticcheese posted a project to CodePlex that already has this functionality.