Onfolio -- Check It Out!!

After reading Scoble's review on Onfolio, I downloaded it and tried it out.  Very cool!  As someone who's favorites folder is huge and wildly out of control, this will be a real live saver!  I can't say that I expect any less from JJ & Jeremy Allaire.  I used to work for Allaire (now Macromedia) while I lived in Boston and it was one of the best experiences of my life.  They came out with products that their customers wanted instead of trying to force what they wanted on their customers.  I also saw that Charles Teague, my former boss, is one of the co-founders at Onfolio.  Fantastic work guys! 

The one thing I would like to see added (and it is possible that it is already there and I just didn't find it...) is the ability to schedule a page for updates so that the offline capture of a site could be updated.

It's real nice to see another cool .NET app out there!


[Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger]

So, what's Onfolio?

First, the screen captures (here's a PNG, same thing as GIF -- that's a screen capture of my browser Window on my Tablet PC -- Onfolio is designed to work with IE only at this point, sorry).

Onfolio is the most useful .NET client app that I've seen so far.

As I surf around I drag things into my list. Then I can right click and do a whole bunch of things. I can create a web page/report for my team (or, for other important people). I can email them around.

But, it lets me stay organized as I go around the Web. It really is like a Favorites list on steroids.

The Onfolio site has a good tour and other marketing aides. I'd be happy to answer questions or give examples.

By the way, one correction: JJ Allaire is behind this. Jeremy is a different person (Jeremy was there which confused me). Sorry about that!).

What would I like to see? A Web service architecture so that as soon as I dropped things into my folder, my teammate's Onfolio's would also show them. If they did that then they'd have something really wild and disruptive.

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