New Cool Job: Day One

Well, ok... the first day was really Monday but I having some problems with my computer at home and didn't get this posted until Tuesday Wednesday!

Working at Turner is going to be so cool. First I went to an orientation that took me through the usual HR stuff. Then I got to go on a tour of the Turner Campus. They took us through Turner Studios and we see where they setup and tear down all the sets for all their shows. Next Mark and Don took me to lunch and filled me in on my new job and what life would be like here.

After lunch, Mark took me around and introduced me to a lot of people that do a lot of cool things. I am still in awe working for a giant media company! I mean as a couch potato, I take so much for granted. All I have to say is WOW! There is so much equipment here at Turner and CNN, it is amazing! I am going to have a great time working here!

Besides where I am working, the work is going to be great. Having been doing Java most of the time in the past, I am really looking forward to doing applications in .NET. They are doing some real cool stuff here!

Hey Mark... Congratulations on your new baby!! Mark decided that he was getting way too much sleep at night and needed something to keep him up.  Can't wait to see pictures!

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