Windows Live Voicemail: The ultimate answering machine
Bill Gates is working on his prophecy, trying to make it our new reality. It’s not only the Microsoft Origami PC which is a match-up between a Nintendo DS and a notebook ― by the way, Samsung is about to introduce it on May 1st, 2006, according to Beta News. It’s more than that, it’s about the media convergence:
Windows Live is going to offer a voice mail aggregation service. With this, you can centralize every missed calls, garner every voice messages from home, office, and mobile phone into one unique place.
Messages would be stored in one the MP3, WAV and WMA audio formats. But you can change on the fly. Audio files could then be put on a multimedia player or stored forever.
The voicemail aggregation is part from the now unveiled Microsoft Live Drive plan. Microsoft is planning to use its server farms to offer anyone huge amounts of online storage of digital data, reported Fortune magazine. Google also takes on the hyperdrive idea. But, somehow, they would figure out how to tweak their search engine to organize your voice data.
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