NewsGator has competition

I downloaded and tried out the new IntraVnews Outlook RSS Reader.  It looks pretty cool and it's free too!
It has a few things that NewsGator does not, including: Auto Cleanup and saving blogs to different folders.
(Really helps if you have multiple .PST files).  Of course, it is missing things that NewsGator has as well, including:
NNTP support, Posting,  and better custom field support for views.

I had a chance to talk with Greg at PDC and he mentioned that he might get rid of the base folder in a future
version in order to allow support for multiple .PSTs.

[The Scobleizer Weblog]

Greg Reinacker's NewsGator (the RSS aggregator I use) has competition! IntraVnews is free for home users. Lockergnome has an early review on its RSS Resource blog.

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