koders.com - Open Source Code Search Engine

This looks like it could have potential.  I wonder how many open source .NET projects are indexed by this...

[From Richard Dudley


From the site:

Koders is an open source search engine. It enables developers to easily search and browse source code in thousands of projects hosted at hundreds of open source repositories.

Koders.com: Find (open) source code fast
source: http://www.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=04/11/01/1927212

How it works

Let's say you want to write a GPLed online card game, like bridge, in C. And wanted to see how others had handled shuffling the cards. On the Koders.com site, you could search for "shuffle cards" with the license option set to GPL and the language set to C. Then click on the Search button.

The results screen shows one hit: a program called server.c from the UNO - Card Game project on SourceForge. (SourceForge is another OSTG property, like NewsForge.) I find both the project and the specific program linked to from the results page. Clicking on server.c, I see plenty of meat for my own project. Very impressive.

After giving the site a spin, I sat down with Koders.com founder and chief architect Darren Rush.

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