Alex Papadimoulis' .NET Blog
Alex's musings about .NET and other Microsoft technologies
Now "Paste As.." in VS.NET with Smart Paster Add-In
I don't know about you guys (and gals), but I often find myself pasting large string literals (SQL queries or dialogs) into code. It started to become quite a hassle to fire up EditPlus, paste, replace line breaks with quote characters, copy, and paste it into Visual Studio. So, I put together an add-in to help with this task and called it Smart Paster.
Your Daily Cup of WTF - tblStaffDirectory
I suspect this one may be a bit less common than tblState ...
Your Daily Cup of WTF - tblState
Naturally, all tables referencing tblState link with a column “intStateID”
Your Daily Cup of WTF
Beyond "Hello World"?
So I've got this problem. Every time a beta or technology preview comes out, I eagerly get a copy, anxiously install it, and excitedly work out a Hello World project. And then I stop. Not out of laziness. Not because I've lost interest. It's just that I don't have any other non-trivial project to work on.
Microsoft to retire Windows 98, SQL Server 7, and more
Some news from MSNBC: