Speak With Me is hiring!

Well, this blog has been quiet for a long time. There have been lots of things in progress, most of which I unfortunately haven't been able to publicly talk about.

One thing I can talk about though, is that Speak With Me is hiring!

About Speak With Me:

Speak With Me is a company that is changing the way we interact with our electronic devices to access information. We plan to be commonplace in your home, in your car, and on the go. We flatten the user interface and make previously hard to access information easy to find. Mike Arrington of TechCrunch reviewed Speak With Me's technology a bit less than a year ago, and was quite enthusiastic about having our future products in his own car (rather, he seemed to want to steal mine). At this time, we've got most of the executive team in place, and we need the rest of the staff to be hired in the upcoming months.

We are looking for:

1. Product and Project managers

2. Software engineers and Senior Software engineers who like working with embedded systems You do not need direct experience with Speech and Dialogue systems for these roles, just be a great software engineer(C++, embedded systems)

3. People to make dev. tools and enhance our API -- if you've worked on Visual Studio, Eclipse, or other software - please contact me.

4. User Interface (UI) designers

5. Tech Writers. 

6. Marketing and Sales people

7. Sales and Application engineers.

Speak With Me is located in the San Francisco Bay Area, and will be expanding over the next several months.
If you are interested, please contact speakwithmejobs AT gmail DOT com

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