The Trials and Tribulations of a Startup

So, as some of you know or may have been able to figure out, I'm starting a speech company.
No big secret there. What I found out along this path is that there are two types of people out there, the selfish type
and the ones who consistently lend a hand without thinking "What's in this for me?"

What I've also found is that the people at the top of their game in this world, the true "masters of the universe,"
tend to be the type to help others out, no strings attached.

I'd like to take a moment and publically thank everyone who has consistently been very helpful and also when needed,
gone out on a limb for me. Sometimes that limb is only a twig!

Alex Rudnicky
Anand Manikutty
Andre Vanier
Arthur Chan
Ashleigh Anderson Felber
Ashu Kumra (Ash Gianni)
Catherine Copetas
Christian Chu
Ed Lin
Itamar Drexler
Jim Bai
Jon Anderson
Kimberly Lutjen
Manjul Bose
Mark Stehlik
Melodie McBride
Mike Shafer
Renee Lo
Ricky Houghton
Robert Scoble
Sarah Revi Sterling
Saureen Shah
Sean Patterson
Susan Trainer
Ted Havill
Vinod Krishnan
Yan Ke
These types of people are rare, and to be cherished dearly.

If you have a story to share about someone remarkable, feel free to either link it in the comments or mention them there.
People on this list are welcome to make fun of me, make jokes about me, or do whatever they feel like in the comments :)
If one or more of these people happens to also be one of your friends, you are a very lucky person, and consider yourself blessed!

1 Comment

  • Put me down as one of the selfish types. But understand that selfish people can be team players. For their own interests, they will help a team succeed. But if a team offers nothing for them personally, then they'll disband. Its really quite simple. So simple I would suggest that ALL people, EVERY PERSON ON EARTH, follows this motis operandi. But of course that's just my opinion.

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