Herbivore.. Insanely cool P2P project

Looks like some friends of mine at Cornell are working on something really cool -- a project called Herbivore.
In a nutshell, it's a Peer to Peer system that ensures privacy. Nifty.
Read more about it at www.herbivore.info
And look at their whitepaper here.


  • Looks great! P2P (distributed - non-centralized) systems are here to stay for sure.

  • That sounds like an awesome project. I'm looking to come up with a research idea sometime soon.

  • We're hoping to have a prototype available within a month. Collaboration among schools could generate a working model rapidly!

  • Did this project ever reach any fruition? I was interested in using this project name in my Master thesis as I also am planning on working on a distributed privacy application seeking to limit the intrusion on our ability to communicate without fear of our privacy being violated. If anyone has any info, please share!

    Danny Marsh

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