My contributions to the community.

OK its pay back time. Over the last 3 years working as a .NET developer I had made significant progress in my life. It all due to extraordinary developers contributing to our community and teaching us good practices to write and produce better software. I have acknowledged the fact that more you teach other people, the better you get. My journey begins here. There is no better way to serve the community than to participate in writing blogs and converse about new thing that I discover while performing my daily jobs at work. I will strive to write good content to help other fellow developers with my knowledge contribution. This blog will serve as a vessel for my technical thoughts as well as my personal ones.
Obviously there are certain trade offs I would have to make in order for me to dedicate more time to writing blog entries. However I see embarking on this opportunity as a way to improvise my communication skills and be more lucid in expressing my thoughts. has not only been my profession but a drive that motivates me to develop myself everyday as a software developer. I will endeavor to make good impact on the software community with my share of knowledge in .net. So wish me best of luck in making the most intricate change in my life!

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