Zeeshan Hirani
Different Implementation of Cast in Linq To SQL And Entity Framework
To set the stage of what I am going to blog about, I would recommend that you read by earlier blog posting here where I have talked about how the cast operator works. In short when you use cast operator with Linq to SQL to fetch a particular concrete type, you end up making a call to the database that fetches all records and than cast is performed in memory to cast the objects to the type passed in as a generic type. If the object cannot be cast to the correct type, the object is assigned a null value. The implementation is very similar to as operator in C# where if the object cannot be cast to right type, the reference of the object is set to null. Important point to understand is, even though your Linq query may not give the results you desire, but the query wont crash. However if you were to write the same query in Linq to entities or entity framework, you get a runtime exception stating that a cast is not valid. Below is an example that shows the behavior?
Entity Framework does not support Custom Properties in Queries
As I am starting to learn more and more, I think linq to sql first release is much more mature that v1 release of entity framework. For instance, in linq to sql, if I would create custom property in my partial class, I could actually use that custom property in the projection of my query. One of the obvious reasons for creating custom property is to reuse code functionality such as creating a property called Name which combines, FirstName and LastName. You really don't to write that code all over you class diagram. Exposing the function as a property and being able to use that property in a projection is a valuable functionality added to the framework. Below is the code that shows using custom property in a projection of a query.
Single Table Inheritance in Entity Framework
In this blog posting, I will do a walk through of how to apply single table inheritance using entity framework. Entity framework supports 3 different models of inheritance.
Changing Namespaces in Entity Framework
If you are like me, migrating to entity framework from linq to SQL, I must say you have been spoiled. What seemed to be very simple has gotten much more complex. I find that Entity framework solved my persistence ignorance problem but brought me much more complicated problems to deal with. Here is one that took ages to find out
MultipleActiveResultSets in EntityFramework
MultipleActiveResultSets was a feature introduced in the connectionstring with ado.net 2.0. In prior versions of ado.net, you can only execute a single query at a time on a particular open connection. When you set MultipleActiveResultSets to true, you can execute multiple commands on a single open connection, resulting in better performance. It's interesting that when you generate your linq to SQL classes, by default it does not make use of MultipleActiveResultSets in the connectionstring. However when you generate entities using entity framework, the connectionstring added to web.config or app.config has explicit setting for MultipleActiveResultSets = true to enable the feature. If you set MultipleActiveResultSets to false in the connectionstring most of the queries in the entity framework fail. It appears that you have to set MultipleActiveResultSets to true in the connectionstring if you want to use EntityFramework.
Lazy Loading Entities in EntityFramework
In my previous blog posting we learned how to eagerly load entities in entity framework. Eager loading causes lots of entities to be loaded ahead of time which may not be required and feasible in all scenarios. In those cases you can call Load Method on an entity or collection of entities to lazy load entities on demand. This ensures that you do not bring lots of data from database and only loading entities when you need them. The problem with this approach is, your querying process would be very chatty and you would end up making too many database calls. For example if you have collection of customers and you want to lazy load customer's address, than depending on the number of customers you have in your collection, linq to entities will make that many number of calls to get addresses for all customers in the list.
Eager Loading entities in Entity Framework
As I am starting to move forward with entity framework on all my projects, I am discovering new ways of writing queries that works with entity framework as compared to in the past with Linq To SQL.
Migrating from Linq To SQL to Linq To Entities
I am not sure if it is a sound idea to move all the stuff over to Linq to entities from Linq to SQL. However this current portion of the project that I had started few days ago felt like a really good place to test with Linq to entities. So quickly migrated over my code from Linq to SQL to Linq to entities. Surprisingly except for changing few namespaces and datacontext rest of my Linq queries just complied fine against Linq to entities. After compiling the code, I went ahead and tried to run the application and I met my first exception.
Constraints With LoadWith when Loading multiple 1:n relationships
This problem totally came as a surprise when one of our pages in production was taking too long time to load. Obviously to trouble shoot the problem, I opened up SQL profiler, started looking at the various SQL statements being sent to the database. I was surprised to see that LoadWith operator was not working as advertised when eager loading more than one, one to many relationship. To demonstrate the problem, let's start with a bare bone example where I eager load Orders for the customers in the city of London.
Peculiarity With Cast Operator in Linq To SQL
As I have mentioned in my previous blog postings, Linq provides a great querying model which hides the complexities of different domains such as Linq to objects, Linq to SQL and Linq to XML. However it is important to understand how a particular query behaves and runs on a particular domain.