Cheatsheet: 2013 05.15 ~ 05.31
- How to use Python in Web Application Development
- 64 bits ought to be enough for everybody [TextAnalysisTool.NET update for .NET 2.0 and 64-bit enables the analysis of larger files!]
- Is the Windows user ready for apt-get?
- SQL JOINs visualized
- Getting Started with Android Development With IDEA
- Android Studio: An IDE built for Android
- iOS SDK: Advanced UIImage Techniques
- HTML5 vs. Native App Battle
- Android Socket Example
- iOS SDK: Advanced UIImage Techniques
- Crafting A Simple Chat Room Base On HTTP Multipart Streaming
- Building a Multithreaded-Socket WebServer using C#
- C# Best Coding Practices for Developers to Follow
- Know Thy .NET Dictionaries
- Five Great .NET 4.5 framework features
- Memory Leaks in .NET Applications
- Code Review Checklist and Guidelines for C# Developers