Cheatsheet: 2012 01.01 ~ 01.09
- Microsoft and Mono - then and now
- MacBook Pro for .NET Developer – useful ore just pretty?
- x86 Assembly for C Programmers 1
- Using the Geolocation API
- Apache Hadoop on Windows Azure Part 7 – Writing your very own WordCount Hadoop Job in Java and deploying to Windows Azure Cluster
- MongoDB's Write Lock
- Last NoSQL Releases in 2011: MongoDB, Hive, ZooKeeper, Whirr, HBase, Redis, and Hadoop 1.0.0
- Apache Hadoop Fundamentals – HDFS and MapReduce Explained with a Diagram
- XmlWriter and lower ASCII characters
- Buffer.BlockCopy not as fast as you think
- Rabbit Mq Shovel Example
- Distributed Command Pattern - an extension of command pattern for connected systems