Wes' Puzzling Blog
... trying to solve the puzzles of .NET
Parsing Date in a Batch File
Today I was trying to generate a filename based on the current date in a batch file. After doing some searching here is what I came up with:
Matching Balanced Constructs with .NET Regular Expressions
I'm reposting some of my favorite posts on my new blog.
Offically opening my new Community Server site
I decided to create this blog so that I didn't have to feel guilty about posting non-technical stuff on my weblogs.asp.net blog. I still plan to primarily post technical stuff on this blog but I reserve the right to post whatever I like. I intend to re-post some of my better posts (if you have a post in mind please let me know) from my weblogs.asp.net blog on this blog.
Should I move my old posts?
Sorry I have not been posting much lately but I have been very busy with moving and my new job. With the little bit of extra time I have had I've been working on setting up my new CS 1.1 site (to be released very soon I hope).
My new Job
Well I'm made the move to Redmond now. My wife and I have found a townhome near Redmond Town Center and we got all of our stuff delivered last Friday. We are still in the process of getting things in order but I now have my computer setup with internet. I really find it amazing how hard it is to live without internet.
Masters Done!
I have finally finished my schooling! I thought I was done once I finished my BS but then I ended up going for my MS after a year. Now I'm done with my MS in Computer Science. I just turned in my last assignment (a take home final exam). It feels good.
Should I buy a Toyota Prius?
I'm thinking of purchasing a Toyota Prius and I wanted to get some feedback from the community.
Paint.net v2.1 Released
If you are tired of the limitations of the standard Microsoft Paint and don't want to pay all the money for Photoshop then you should try out Paint.net. It has quite a number of cool features for a free image editor.
Why Geeks and Nerds Are Worth It...
Why Geeks and Nerds Are Worth It... This was pretty funny. I'm sure my wife will agree with most of it and get a kick out of it.
Harddrive Failure...
Yesterday when I got home all I saw on my screen was the standard "Failed to find Harddrive 0 No boot device found Press F1 to retry or F2 to enter setup" (something like that you get the point) and all I heard was CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, ..., CLICK. My hard drive had failed. Just great!! Luckily most of my data was stored on my file server so I didn't lose everything. Just my email for the past few months (so if you have emailed me in the last couple days an are expecting a reply please kindly resend your message) and my programing settings. I used to actually setup my profile to run from my server but I got lazy the last time I installed my system. Needless to say I won't make that mistake this time.