Wes' Puzzling Blog

... trying to solve the puzzles of .NET

  • Parsing Date in a Batch File

    Today I was trying to generate a filename based on the current date in a batch file. After doing some searching here is what I came up with:

  • Offically opening my new Community Server site

    I decided to create this blog so that I didn't have to feel guilty about posting non-technical stuff on my weblogs.asp.net blog. I still plan to primarily post technical stuff on this blog but I reserve the right to post whatever I like. I intend to re-post some of my better posts (if you have a post in mind please let me know) from my weblogs.asp.net blog on this blog.

  • Should I move my old posts?

    Sorry I have not been posting much lately but I have been very busy with moving and my new job. With the little bit of extra time I have had I've been working on setting up my new CS 1.1 site (to be released very soon I hope).

  • My new Job

    Well I'm made the move to Redmond now. My wife and I have found a townhome near Redmond Town Center and we got all of our stuff delivered last Friday. We are still in the process of getting things in order but I now have my computer setup with internet. I really find it amazing how hard it is to live without internet.

  • Masters Done!

    I have finally finished my schooling! I thought I was done once I finished my BS but then I ended up going for my MS after a year. Now I'm done with my MS in Computer Science. I just turned in my last assignment (a take home final exam). It feels good.

  • Harddrive Failure...

    Yesterday when I got home all I saw on my screen was the standard "Failed to find Harddrive 0 No boot device found Press F1 to retry or F2 to enter setup" (something like that you get the point) and all I heard was CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, ..., CLICK. My hard drive had failed. Just great!! Luckily most of my data was stored on my file server so I didn't lose everything. Just my email for the past few months (so if you have emailed me in the last couple days an are expecting a reply please kindly resend your message) and my programing settings. I used to actually setup my profile to run from my server but I got lazy the last time I installed my system. Needless to say I won't make that mistake this time.