You MUST be Cross Platform
Visual Studio Magazine just posted on their site that Android will ship in One Billion devices in 2014. The article is based on the following report from Gartner.
The key takeaway is that we no longer live in a "Windows World." There
are devices of all type that users are using. As a result, developers
must be knowledgeable on these devices and be able to develop for these
platforms. I would suggest subscribing to our VSM monthly column on "Cross Platform C#."
Not only does Android have a large, ok huge, set of numbers, but iOS
has a large number of units shipped. At the same time, one can not
forget Windows. What about the Web? How can you support all of these
platforms? Tune into our Cross Platform column and you will see.
PS. I have a cross platform article coming up in Visual Studio Magazine that is really big. I think you will like it.
PSS. Many thanks to Kurt Mackle for inspiring me on the graphic.