My MonoTouch ebook is out - Build iPhone apps with C# and run on the iPhone


My MonoTouch ebook is out.

This Wrox Blox is for .NET developers who want to learn to develop for the iPhone with C# using MonoTouch and MonoDevelop on the Mac. The iPhone is the smartphone leader in mindshare and the amount of money spent on applications. This lead in money spent on applications is expected to grow over the next several years. Objective-C is the native language for iPhone development. .NET developers, who work in the largest general area of development frameworks, have looked at iPhone developers with a great deal of envy. But with the release of MonoTouch, .NET/C# developers can apply their knowledge to iPhone development. This Wrox Blox will provide you with the basics of development on the iPhone with MonoTouch and MonoDevelop. 

Table of Contents

iPhone Requirements 2

Development Strategies 3

Web Development with ASP.NET 3

MonoDevelop and MonoTouch 4

Visual Studio .NET ➪MonoDevelop 4

Classes in MonoTouch 4

What Is MonoTouch? 4

Namespaces and Classes 5

Introduction to Development on the Mac with MonoDevelop 6

Interface Builder 8

Outlets 10

Actions 14

Deploying to an iPhone 15

Mapping 17

MKMapView 17

The Application 18

Annotating the Map 20

Debugging 21

Interacting with Other Applications 22

UIPicker 22

NSUrl 24

UIAlertView 26

UITableView 26

DataSource 27

Binding Data to a UITableView 29

Customizing UITableView 30

Accelerometer 33

Settings 34

Things to Watch Out For 37

Resources Used 38

About Wallace B. McClure 39


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