Tag, I'm it.............
Ok, so I got tagged by Jerry Dennany. Well, I am not just going to dump 5 things out about me. I am going to give u five things, but there is also going to be some discussion about them. So, here goes, 5 things that you don't know about me:
- I'm a huge basketball addict. In high school, I once made 92 out of 100 free throws including the final 35. BTW, I didn't play basketball in high school, just always loved the sport. I feel pretty well informed when I saw that I can tell you why Shaq can't make free throws. If the Miami Heat would hire me, I feel pretty confident I could raise his free throw percentage by 10%(seriously).
- I went to community college before I went to Georgia Tech. Roane State was the best experience of my life. It gave me time to grow up. It is an experience that I recommend to everyone. I have a BS and MS in Electrical Engineering from GT.
- While I am fun and games and I like being the life of the party, I take business and especially negotiation and contracts very seriously. I've seen too many people screw themselves over by just signing a contract that gets put in front of them without reading it and understand the implications. I screwed that up once, I have never made that same mistake again. If you don't like something in a contract, then take it out and see what happens.
- I like to get out and meet people. If I were a politician, I would be a big believer in "Shaking hands and kissing babies." I think that this is a problem for most technology people. They need to get out and meet others in the feel. I think John Kellar and Jerry Dixon in TN have done a great job on this subject.
- My father is involved in real estate. I have tons of people ask me how real estate is locally. My canned response, "You'll need to ask my father."
And now for a bonus item:
- Names are really important to me. Getting names correct is a big deal. I don't like it when people get my name incorrect. The name "Wallace B. McClure, Jr." refers to no one that I know of, yet there are a large number of people that will refer to me with that name. I try and treat everyone's name with response so I always do my best to get someone else's name right.
Ok, so that's something about me. The next five people up are: Paul Glavich, Craig Shoemaker, Drew Robbins
Jason Salas, and Phil Winstanley. To go along with the bonus theme, I'd like to tag Jim Minatel of Wrox.